Life Shifting, LLC


According to the CDC 28.1 million American adults are smokers. 90.3% of teens and 87.1% of middle school students report smoking within the last 30 days.


480,000 Americans dies every year as a result of tobacco usage - that’s 1 our over 5 deaths in America.


If you’re tired of:

           Smelling like you have been on fire;

           Wheezing and Coughing regularly;

           Huffing and Puffing when you are active;

           Feeling like you can’t get enough air in your lungs;

Do You Think It Might BE TIME to do something about it?


Through a combined process utilizing NLP techniques and Hypnosis, I can not only help you stop smoking but do it with little or no negative side affects.


We all know that smoking takes years off our life span as well as creating numerous physiological & mental problems. Add to this the fact that the majority of smokers have added negative emotions, beliefs, and limiting decisions that further compound the problem and if left unaddressed insure a quick return to smoking with a vengeance!


This is why I utilize my Transformational Break Out technique to identify the exact negative emotions, beliefs, and limiting decisions that smoking creates. The session takes approximately two hours.


After identification, I will begin walking you through techniques that will allow you to release the negative emotions, beliefs and limiting decisions attached. Do to the complexities of this technique, I will only remove two at a session beginning with the strongest and related emotion. For instance, Anger is immediately followed by Sorrow (the two most dynamic emotions that are directly linked to each other).


Each additional session will be only 30 to 45 minutes in length focusing on follow up and the releasing of additional negative emotions and limiting decisions.


I believe that total success following the releasing of the related negative emotions, beliefs, and limiting decisions is a 12 month personal coaching service where regular follow up is conducted as well as Life and Success Coaching to help individuals not only enter a productive life but to excel.


The Basic Service includes 3 monthly follow up telephone sessions. If a repeat session is necessary during this timeframe it will be conducted at no additional charge.


COST is always a major question. Before I tell you the cost, you need to answer a not-so-simple question:


“How much is it worth to you to become a NON-SMOKER immediately?”


You do not have to answer this question right now. Think about it, because I will ask it again during the 20 minute Discovery Call. Your answer is very important whether or not you are really ready to become a non-smoker and its related consequences so that you will be set free to be who you really are.


My time is limited, so I only takes clients who Really, Really, Want to make the necessary changes NOW! His charges are based in part up the value received and ability to pay. All fees are required to be prepaid at the time of agreement. (Please read the cancellation and refund policies.)




Dr. Rick IS NOT a medical doctor, nor does he practice medicine. His work as a Master Neuro Linguistic Life & Success Guide, Master Hypnotherapist, and Master of Time Techniques does not supplant the need for medical services. His ministry is totally related to helping you make mental changes that produce instant, or nearly instant physical and mental results.


For additional information, contact Dr. Rick.





Life Shifting, LLC

220 West 2nd Street

Taylorville, Illinois  62568


Phone: (217) 415-6768











"I beseech you therefore, .... be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."

(Romans 12:1,2)