Life Shifting, LLC


1. Twenty Minute Discovery Call - No Charge

           I will ask questions to obtain information that will allow  me to determine whether you are ready to make the changes necessary to turn your life around. If you agree to proceed your first appointment will be scheduled at that time.


2. Trauma Related Sessions

           I am a combat veteran who struggled with PTSD and the related symptoms of nightmares, anger, feelings of guilt and unworthiness.

           Click for more information


3. Inadequacy Related Sessions

           EVERYBODY deals with feeling of inadequacy when we face the struggles of life UNTIL we learn how to develop and strengthen our self worth, personal assurance, and confidence.

           Click for more information


4. Stress Related Sessions

           Life is stressful primarily because of the constant need to make changes. Science has recorded that the average human makes over 3,000 changes an hour. Thank God a large part of these are automatically handled by our subconscious mind. Stress become dangerous when we allow ourselves to become Stressed our and over Anxious about future events.

           Click here for more information.


5. Weight Reductions Sessions

           I personally knows what it means to deal with added inches and the trauma it creates. Rather than allowing yourself to feel defeated, or just accepting it as inevitable, I can help you release the added pounds as you feel better while doing it.

           Click here for more information.


6. Smoking Cessation Sessions

           I was an avid smoker for years but he has been a NON-Smoker for 49 years. I can help you take charge of your smoking habit and instantly become a non-smoker.

           Click here for more information.


7. Compulsive Related Sessions

           I know the overpowering sensations of having things he needs to get done in a timely manner but keeps putting off for a myriad of reasons AS WELL AS those things he was doing compulsively when it was detrimental to his goals. Sound familiar?

           Click here for more information.


8. Behavioral Related Sessions

           From birth to adulthood, we are afflicted with negative behavioral problems. (A non-medical related behavior can be corrected usually in one session.)

           Click here for more information.


9. Transformational Break Out Session

           I have modified the traditional NLP Breakthrough Session to create my Transformational Break Out Session that requires approximately 4 hours to complete, but the results are phenomenal! It is truly life changing and the photos don’t lie.

           Click here for more information.


10. Academic Related Sessions

           I have a toolbox full of techniques to enable students aged 7 and above to improve their memory and learning skills. The average student will see and increase of between 0.5 to a full grade.

           Click here for more information.


11. Hypnosis Session

           I am a Master Hypnotherapist. I use hypnosis primarily to help you embed desired outcomes into your future Memory Chain.

           Click here for more information.


12. Personal Life and Success Coaching

           I am a certified Master Life/Success Coach, experienced in helping students and professionals take responsibility for the results they achieve and to be accountable for their actions.

           Click here for more information.


13. Other Situations

           I  realize there are a plethora of situations that invade our lives. If you do not see your problem here, don’t give up. Contact me, and working together sufficient NLP based techniques can be developed to remedy your situation.

           Click here for more information.





Dr. Rick IS NOT a medical doctor, nor does he practice medicine. His work as a Master Neuro Linguistic Life & Success Guide, Master Hypnotherapist, and Master of Time Techniques does not supplant the need for medical services. His ministry is totally related to helping you make mental changes that produce instant, or nearly instant physical and mental results.


For additional information, contact Dr. Rick.





Life Shifting, LLC

220 West 2nd Street

Taylorville, Illinois  62568


Phone: (217) 415-6768









SGT Rick Tribble - 1968

"I beseech you therefore, .... be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."

(Romans 12:1,2)