Life Shifting, LLC

My life calling is serving others.

             As a child, I often looked for others needing help. I often ran errands, mowed grass, scooped snow, raked leaves, whatever they needed.

             I felt the call to help the Viet Namese in their fight for freedom long before I left school and joined the US Army. I served 3 tours in Viet Nam and 20+ years in the US Army before retiring as a Master Sergeant. I entered the ministry and served churches in Europe, the Middle East, and the US for a total of 49+ years. At 75, I turned my attention to serving others in their struggle with rising above where they found themselves, using the science of Neuro Linguistics. NLP offers individuals struggling with stress, low self-esteem & confidence, negative emotions & beliefs, limiting beliefs, unhealthy behaviors, and eliminating negative mental speak like, “you’re not worthy,” etc.


Think for moment of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. He had everything within him to be an amazing Jedi Warrior but he didn’t know how to develop and utilize what he had, efficiently and effectively. As you watch the movies, or read the books, you see Luke’s journey from a struggling young boy to a dynamic Jedi.


You and I are like Luke. We are born into this world, this life, equipped with everything we need to become the person we were created to be, BUT, and it’s a BIG BUT, we don’t come with a user’s manual; even worse, where’s our Obiwan and Yoda? For the vast majority they are nowhere to be found! Therefore, they struggle though each of life’s changes. Sadly, the vast majority of people give up along the way. They don’t necessarily like where they are in life but they don’t want the challenge of more change. We know lots of them, don’t we?


The good news is, YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM or you wouldn’t be here right now.


What You need is an ‘Obiwan’ or ‘Yoda’ to help you transition into what  you were created to be; to help you release those negative emotions, beliefs, and limiting decisions that imprisoning you; and to learn how to use the power you already have, right now.


My goal is to use the skills I have to help you achieve your desires. I don’t see myself as ‘Yoda’ or even as ‘Obiwan.’ I see myself as someone who has been helped using what he’s learned to help others. If you are a modern day ‘Luke,’ I would be honored to help you transition to the next level of success in living.


So you will know more about me I provide the following:


Educational achievements


Associate of Science in Human Behavior

     University of New York, Regents, NY

Bachelor of Arts Diploma in Bible

     North Tennessee Bible Institute, TN

Bachelor of Arts in Human Behavior

     Newport University, CA

Master of Arts in Religion

     Newport University, CA

Doctorate of Theology (the writings of Apostle John)

     Christian Bible College, NC




Bible College and Seminary

     Ruschlicon, Switzerland

University of Darmstadt

     Darmstadt, Germany

University of Illinois @ Springfield, IL





Professional Parliamentarian, National Association of  Parliamentarians - 2013; Retired


Master NLP Life/Success Coach, Hypnotherapist - 2024





In the US Army Dr. Rick coached/counseled enlisted members in their career, academics and assignments for 16 years and earned numerous awards in this capacity.


As a minister he coached individuals in Life and Success throughout his 49 plus years and was repeatedly awarded for his denominational services.


As a Board Certified Master NLP Life/Success Coach he established Life Shifting, LLC to serve as his primary channel for coaching individuals seeking to fulfill their life dreams - SUCCESS, with a special emphasis on Traumatic Incident survivors.







Life Shifting, LLC

2202 West 2nd Street

Taylorville, Illinois   62568


Phone: (217) 415-6768











Meet Dr. Rick

"I beseech you therefore, .... be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."

(Romans 12:1,2)