Bridge Building


Extending a Helping Hand


A young hard charging person pressed onward in his/her pursuit of Life, Liberty, Happiness, and SUCCESS coming abruptly to a halt before a wide creek filled with angry water up to the top of its banks. It was way to wide for the person to try to jump across. The current was extremely swift and the water was filled will all manner of debris that could inflict extreme pain if not death to anyone foolish enough to enter.


Knowing that a great number of hard charging individuals were behind him/her, s/he knew they had to quickly devise a way to cross this barrier to their future. “There had to be a way,” s/he pondered as his/her eyes moved from the barrier itself. First, s/he looked to her/his right. There was a bend about a quarter mile down with some nasty looking rapids between him/her and that bend. S/He shifted his/her gaze to the left and to his/her amazement s/he saw a person in the water next to the opposite bank about a quarter mile up the creek.


Immediately s/he began running toward that person thinking, “What are they doing?” “Don’t they know they could get severely injured or even killed?” Breathless a/he reached the site and saw that the other person was much older and had several logs laying on the opposite bank. S/He  was tirelessly moving them out over the raging creek and lashing them together. “BUT, why?” they wondered.


After a few moments the older person who was laboring so patiently in the midst of being steadily buffeted by the raging current took a break, climbed up out of the water on the far side, turned and saw her/him standing on the opposite bank.


The young person shouted across, “What are you doing?” The older person waived and shouted back, “I’m building a bridge.”


“Why?” the young person shouted back, continuing with, “Are you traveling this way?” The older person shook her/his head and replied, “No, I’m headed the same direction you are.”


Bewildered the young person cried out, “WHY?” as s/he threw his/her arms out to the side and continued, “You’ve already safely crossed.”


The older person grinned and replied, “Because I have the skill to build this bridge to make those following able to cross here without any thought of danger.”


Again, the young person, totally exasperated, hollered, “WHY?” To which the older person immediately responded, “It’s the right thing to do!”


The young person was dumbfounded for some time, standing looking lost for a reply, when s/he heard the older person holler over, “If you will help, you’ll be able to cross safely and much more quickly than trying to find another way. Will you help me or must I continue alone in this task?”


The two worked together. It was not easy. The water and debris banged them continuously, but in a matter of another hour the bridge was safely completed. The hard charging young person hugged the older person and the two marched across the completed bridge arm-in-arm continuing their life’s journey, happy in mind and soul that they had made the journey easier for those who were following.


The truth of the matter is “S/He who sows to the benefit of others will always reap in greater abundance than s/he sowed!”


I’m attempting to build life’s bridges and extend a helping hand to all who desire to be set free from the burdens of life and move on to a better life.


Are you ready to reach out and take my helping hand? Once you begin on this new path, will you look for opportunities to help others along the life’s way?






Life Shifting, LLC

220 West 2nd Street

Taylorville, Il  62568


Phone: (217) 415-6768








Life Shifting, LLC

Dr. Rick

(Romans 12:1,2)

"I beseech you therefore, .... be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."